Saturday, May 30, 2009

ah... fashion :)

Finally had some time to myself today!! So I dressed up and had some fun with my camera :) I hate living somewhere that people don't understand real fashion and they don't accept people who like things they don't!! But I keep myself happy with all my magazines lol I can't wait until I make it in the fashion world... don't care how or what I have do, it will happen!! Modelling would be cool but that won't happen lol
I have been pretty busy lately with homework, netball, dance and helping Grandma with everything cause my damn lucky parents are overseas!!! Anyway... these are just a few things I chucked together lol

This dress is 2nd hand and I altered it by taking it up because it had frills all around the hem.

The hat is 2nd hand too :) its a bit too floppy but looks cool on.

I love how this outfit looks together! I got the top online from Retrostar Vintage, it was a bargain and its so cute! I'm wearing it with a Jayjays skirt, vintage belt, opaque tights and target shoes which i replaced the dodgy ties with black ribbons.

In every photo I think I am wearing either something vitage or 2nd hand from my family (Aunty and Cousins).

The pants are Miss shop from my Aunty and I'm wearing a long sleeve black top from Valleygirl with a Sportsgirl singlet over the top... this photo does not do it justice though... it has flat brass studs down the neckline and is pleated down the front with tassle like detail across the front.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

just a random post :)

just a random inspirational quote I found and thought was really cute :)
Every person is a gem... You just have to find the shiny parts